

This is the website for St Pancras Division, part of Girlguiding. We cover all Guiding activity in the Central London areas of Bloomsbury, Holborn, Kentish Town, and Camden.

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What is Girlguiding?

Girlguiding is the largest organisation for girls and young women in the UK, with around 600,000 members. One in four eight-year-old girls is a Brownie and almost half of all women in the UK have been involved in Guiding at some stage in their lives – that’s incredible! Girlguiding enables girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference to the world.There is also a world wide family of Guides and Scouts with over 10 million members.

Girl Guides started over 100 years ago, following the creation of the Scouting Movement by Robert Baden-Powell.